Ahmad Tea - British brand of exceptional quality tea. Unlike the manufacturers of global tea brands, Ahmad Tea Ltd. is the oldest family tea company, where the quality of tea has been always put above the commercial ambitions since its foundation. All efforts of the owners and staff of Ahmad Tea Ltd. are focused on creation of magnificent tea blends. Ahmad Tea Ltd. is a permanent member of the British Tea Bureau and British Tea Association.
Roheline tee oli üks esimesi teesid, mida Hiina eksportis, ning seda on seal kasvatatud ja töödeldud üle 5000 aasta. Erinevalt mustast teest ei lasta lehtedel oksüdeeruda ja seega jäävad need roheliseks. See annab rohelisele teele kerge, õrna maitse ja kahvaturohelise/kollase värvi. Roheline tee, mis on parim antioksüdantide allikas, on lõõgastav ja aromaatne jook, mida saab nautida igal kellaajal.